vendredi 18 mars 2011 Risø
National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy
Through a coordinated EU effort, this new EU
project "Cost-efficient and sustainable deployment of renewable energy
sources towards the EU 20% target by 2020 and beyond" aims to develop
a road map that can increase the use of renewable energy sources in the
period up to 2020 and 2030, in an economically cost-effective way. The
idea is that a coordinated EU effort would prove more successful than when
each member state uses their own methods to achieve their national targets
for renewable energy sources.
The work at Risø DTU will consist in carrying through calculations and assessments of the incentives for and barriers to joint efforts between two or more countries with a view to increasing the use of renewable energy. "We will for example look at how large a compensation should be in proportion to the national support opportunities and at what will be needed so that e.g. gains in the electricity markets compensate for losses," says Henrik Klinge Jacobsen. "Cost-efficient and sustainable deployment of renewable energy sources towards the EU 20% target by 2020 and beyond" (RES4LESS) is a 2-year research cooperation and development project coordinated by the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands, ECN. Consortium partners include: Risø National laboratory for Sustainable Energy at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) - Denmark, IT POWER-UK, Enviros - Czech Republic, Institute for Applied Ecology (Oeko Institute)- Germany, Centre for Promotion of Clean and Efficient Energy in Romania (ENERO)-Romania, CIEMAT – Spain. RES4LESS aims to change the behaviour of national policy makers with regard to a favourable framework and incentives to develop RES, thereby triggering new approaches for the promotion of RES based on a higher degree of cooperation between member states. The project is targeted at investors in renewable energy, electricity markets, power stations and network operators. The Intelligent Energy - Europe programme has decided to carry out the project. The programme is the EU's tool for supporting concrete projects, initiatives and best practices via annual calls for proposals. Read more