Bases de données Tchernobyl
Reportage photos en moto !
Voir aussi ce reportage

Story about a town that one can ride through with no stoplights, no police and no danger of hitting any living thing:

Important: ce superbe et rare document a été recopié intégralement sur notre site afin d'en assurer une sauvegarde...
(cherchons des volontaires!)
partie 1 part 1
partie 2 part 2
partie 3 part 3
partie 4 part 4
    Photos on this site are mostly mine or from my dad's archive. Several pictures were taken by other photographers. Unfortunately, I do not know the names of authors of those photos, I recieved them through the internet.
    If authors the of those pictures can be found and want me to remove or add their names or include more photos on this site, here is my contact address.
    Ukraine 03187 Kiev-187 Zabolotnogo 20/A Post Box 5 Elena