ou contre-déclarations
Un séisme?!
1) De: Monique Sene <>
«Le séisme est une fausse explication:
il y a eu 2 explosions : la première est une explosion
nucléaire qui a crevé la dalle; la deuxième
est une explosion hydrogène due à la présence
du Zircaloy. Toutes les autres explications sont pour dédouaner
le nucléaire. Il est vrai que Tchernobyl se trouve sur le chemin
des grandes failles partant des Alpes / Cadarache jusqu'à
Tchernobyl, mais ce n'est pas l'origine de l'accident»
2) Source: WISE
NC 349/350; April 5, 1991
«The staff of the plant started a test, which
should have been carried out before the power plant was put into operation.
In actual fact, such a test had been carried out earlier - but failed.
During preparations for the test, the operators experienced difficulty
keeping the capacity of the nuclear plant stable and they made a lot of
mistakes. When the real test began, the power plant's capacity suddenly
increased unexpectedly. The control rods started to descend, but shocks
could be felt. The fuel tubes became deformed because of the large increase
in the steam pressure. Pressure in the reactor became so high that the
fuel elements burst and small particles landed in the cooling water. The
cooling water turned into steam and pressure in the tubes increased. They
burst. The 1000-ton lid above the fuel elements was lifted - the first
explosion. The release of radiation started. Air got into the reactor.
There was enough oxygen to start a graphite fire. The metal of the fuel
tubes reacted with the water. The chemical reaction produced hydrogen.
This hydrogen exploded - the second explosion.»
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