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* Des cornées biosynthétiques implantées restaurent la vue (ADIT):
mercredi 25 août 2010

     Des cornées biosynthétiques implantées chirurgicalement ont permis de restaurer en partie la vue de certains patients.
     Des cornées biosynthétiques implantées chirurgicalement ont permis de restaurer en partie la vue de certains patients, selon un petit essai clinique de deux ans conduit en Suède dont les résultats sont publiés mercredi aux Etats-Unis. Cette étude menée avec dix participants, a montré que l'implantation de cette cornée biosynthétique faite de collagène humain recombiné selon un procédé mis au point par la firme de biotechnologie américaine FibroGen, a contribué à régénérer et à réparer les tissus oculaires endommagés.

     Deux ans après avoir été implantées, ces cornées restaient totalement fonctionnelles et ont contribué à la régénérescence, dans l'implant, de cellules provenant de la cornée du sujet ainsi que des nerfs sectionnés durant l'intervention, précisent ces chercheurs dont l'étude paraît dans l'édition du 25 août de la revue médicale Science Translational Medicine, publiée par le journal Science.
     En outre, le réflexe de clignement des yeux et le film lacrymal, fine couche liquide maintenue à la surface de la cornée et protégeant l'épithélium, ont été restaurés chez les participants. L'acuité visuelle s'est améliorée chez six patients, a été inchangée chez deux et a diminué pour deux autres.
     Aucun n'a subi de réaction de rejet ou de thérapie immunosuppressive, fréquente chez les patients recevant des transplantations d'organe dont des cornées.
     Les dix patients de l'étude souffraient d'un kératocône avancé, une déformation conique du centre de la cornée progressive et lente. Ils ont eu une implantation d'une cornée biosynthétique dans un seul œil. 
* Promising results of gene therapy to treat diseases of the eye (ADIT):
Contact: Vicki Cohn
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News

New Rochelle, NY, August 13, 2010
     The easy accessibility of the eye and the established link between specific genetic defects and ocular disorders offer hope for using gene therapy to provide long-term therapeutic benefit. Two reports in the current issue of Human Gene Therapy, a peer-reviewed journal published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. (, describe the effective replacement of a human gene to preserve photoreceptor function in a mouse model of severe retinal degeneration. The articles are available free online (
     Basil Pawlyk and colleagues from Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (Boston, MA) delivered the human gene for RGPR-interacting protein-1 to mice affected with Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA), a condition linked to a mutated form of RPGRIP1 that causes degeneration of photoreceptors in the eye. The researchers packaged the gene in an adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector and injected the vector under the retinas of the affected mice. They demonstrated expression of the human gene in the photoreceptors, with correct localization to the cilia. Further evaluation revealed improved function and survival of the photoreceptors in the treated eyes.
The authors conclude that the results of this study, presented in the paper entitled, "Replacement Gene Therapy with a Human RPGRIP1 Sequence Slows Photoreceptor Degeneration in Murine Model of Leber Congenital Amaurosis," validate a gene therapy design that could serve as the basis for a future clinical trial in patients affected by this form of LCA.
     In the same issue, Kamolika Roy, Linda Stein, and Shalesh Kaushal from University of Massachusetts Medical School (Worcester) review the use of recombinant AAV vectors for gene therapy to treat ocular diseases. Based on the success of three early-stage clinical trials in LCA, they conclude that this approach appears "to be a safe, effective, and long-term treatment for LCA, a previously untreatable disorder." In the article, "Ocular Gene Therapy: An Evaluation of Recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus-Mediated Gene Therapy Interventions for the Treatment of Ocular Disease," they conclude that rAAV-mediated gene therapy is "the most suitable gene therapy treatment approach for ocular diseases."
     "The successful correction of this photoreceptor defect in a relevant mouse model of LCA should usher in a new wave of translational research in retinal degeneration syndromes," says James M. Wilson, MD, PhD, Editor-in-Chief of Human Gene Therapy, and Head of the Gene Therapy Program, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, in Philadelphia.
     Human Gene Therapy, the Official Journal of the European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, British Society for Gene Therapy, French Society of Cell and Gene Therapy, German Society of Gene Therapy, and five other gene therapy societies is an authoritative peer-reviewed journal published monthly in print and online that presents reports on the transfer and expression of genes in mammals, including humans. Related topics include improvements in vector development, delivery systems, and animal models, particularly in the areas of cancer, heart disease, viral disease, genetic disease, and neurological disease, as well as ethical, legal, and regulatory issues related to the gene transfer in humans. Tables of content and a free sample issue may be viewed online (

     Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. ( is a privately held, fully integrated media company known for establishing authoritative peer-reviewed journals in many promising areas of science and biomedical research, including Tissue Engineering, Stem Cells and Development, and Cellular Reprogramming. Its biotechnology trade magazine, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (GEN), was the first in its field and is today the industry's most widely read publication worldwide. A complete list of the firm's 60 journals, books, and newsmagazines is available at our website (
Contact: Vicki Cohn
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News
Human Gene Therapy

free access 
Ocular Gene Therapy: An Evaluation of Recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus-Mediated Gene Therapy Interventions for the Treatment of Ocular Disease
Kamolika Roy, Linda Stein, Shalesh Kaushal
Human Gene Therapy. August 2010, 21(8): 915-927.

This review summarizes the current progress and future prospects of recombinant AAV (rAAV)-mediated gene therapy interventions/applications for a wide variety of ophthalmologic disorders.

Both gene replacement therapy and alteration of host gene expression are playing increasingly important roles in the treatment of ocular diseases. Ocular gene therapy may provide alternatives to current treatments for eye diseases that are either greatly invasive and thus run the risk of complications, that offer only short-term relief from disease symptoms, or that are unable to directly treat vision loss. The success of three separate phase I clinical trials investigating a gene therapy intervention for the treatment of the retinal degenerative disorder Leber's congenital amaurosis (LCA) has unveiled the therapeutic potential of gene therapy. Preliminary results have demonstrated ocular gene transfer, using nonpathogenic recombinant adeno-associated viral (rAAV) vectors specifically, to be a safe, effective, and long-term treatment for LCA, a previously untreatable disorder. Nonpathogenic rAAV vectors offer the potential for long-term treatment. Many of the genes implicated in human ocular diseases have been identified, and animal models for such diseases have been developed, which have greatly facilitated the application of experimental rAAV-mediated gene therapy. This review highlights the key features of rAAV-mediated gene therapy that make it the most suitable gene therapy treatment approach for ocular diseases. Furthermore, it summarizes the current progress of rAAV-mediated gene therapy interventions/applications for a wide variety of ophthalmologic disorders.

* Des cellules pour réparer nos organes défaillants (ADIT,
En collaboration avec le magazine "La Recherche"

     Cécité, infarctus et même infertilité, il pourrait bientôt être possible de traiter de nombreuses maladies à l'aide d'une greffe de cellules. Les premiers essais sont encourageants.
     Eviter la cécité par une greffe de cellules? L'idée est séduisante et elle ne tient plus tout à fait de la science fiction. Aux Etats-Unis, cette thérapie cellulaire pourrait bientôt être testée chez l'homme. Le principe? Remplacer les cellules abîmées de la rétine dans certaines maladies de l'œil par des cellules saines, obtenues à partir de cellules souches embryonnaires (ES). Une source prolifique de cellules de rechange!
     Issues d'embryons de 5 à 7 jours, les cellules souches embryonnaires sont en effet capables de se multiplier à l'infini. Et surtout, elles peuvent se différencier en n'importe quel type cellulaire: cellule cardiaque, rétinienne, neurone. D'où l'idée de les utiliser pour réparer les tissus abîmés. Cette "thérapie cellulaire" a déjà été testée dans plusieurs maladies. A commencer par une pathologie de l'œil: la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge.
     L'œil est une des premières cibles pour ce type de greffe car il est peu vascularisé. Le risque de réaction immunitaire et de rejet de greffe est donc plus faible que pour un autre tissu. L'approche développée par la société américaine Advanced Cell Technology consiste à remplacer les cellules rétiniennes qui dégénèrent, dites cellules de l'épithélium pigmentaire. Ces dernières permettent aux neurones rétiniens de bien fonctionner, notamment en nettoyant les poussières dans la rétine.
     Une étude a été menée chez des rats souffrants de dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge et chez des souris atteintes de la maladie de Stargardt, deux pathologies qui conduisent à la cécité. Les scientifiques ont poussé des cellules souches embryonnaires humaines à se différencier en cellules de l'épithélium pigmentaire. Puis ils ont implanté ces cellules dans les rétines lésées de ces animaux. Elles ont permis d'éviter la disparition des cellules qui détectent la lumière, les photorécepteurs.
     Après trois mois, les rongeurs traités disposaient de 5 à 6 couches de photorécepteurs, tandis que les rats non traités n'avaient plus qu'une seule couche de photorécepteurs et étaient quasiment aveugles. La vision des premiers avait été préservée. Forte de ce succès, Advanced Cell Technology vient d'annoncer qu'elle commencerait dans quelques mois un essai de cette technique chez l'homme.
     Malgré tout, des doutes demeurent. "Il faudrait vérifier sur de plus longues périodes que les cellules greffées ne forment pas de tumeurs, avant de passer à des études sur l'homme ", appuie José-Alain Sahel, directeur de l'Institut français de la vision.
     L'application de la thérapie cellulaire au traitement des infarctus est bien plus avancée : la greffe de cellules souches embryonnaires est déjà testée chez le singe rhésus, beaucoup plus proche de l'homme que le rongeur.
     Si quelques milliers de cellules rétiniennes peuvent suffire pour tenter de rendre la vue à un patient, il faut plusieurs centaines de millions de cellules musculaires cardiaques pour restaurer un cœur malade. La difficulté est d'obtenir in vitro une grande quantité de cellules cardiaques et de les transplanter sans endommager leur capacité à se contracter.

     Difficulté qu'a réussi à surmonter, en 2007, l'équipe de Michel Pucéat de l'Inserm à Evry et de Philippe Menasché, chirurgien cardiaque à l'hôpital européen Georges-Pompidou, à Paris : ils ont ainsi pu régénérer des cœurs de rats victimes d'infarctus !
     Pour aboutir à de tels résultats, les chercheurs ont cultivé des cellules souches embryonnaires humaines dans des conditions favorisant leur différenciation en précurseurs de cellules cardiaques. Les cellules obtenues ont été implantées dans le cœur de rats victimes d'infarctus. Elles ont alors achevé leur différenciation pour devenir des cellules adultes, capables d'améliorer le fonctionnement du muscle cardiaque.
     Récemment, les chercheurs ont obtenu des résultats encourageants en greffant des précurseurs de cellules cardiaques, obtenus à partir de cellules souches embryonnaires, à des singes rhésus ayant eu un léger infarctus.
     De plus, l'équipe de Michel Pucéat et Philippe Ménasché a mis au point une méthode permettant de sélectionner au mieux les cellules cardiaques : ils ont identifié une molécule à la surface de ces cellules, qui permet de s'assurer qu'elles ne sont plus capables de donner naissance à un nombre infini de cellules de tous types. " Cela permet d'éviter toute contamination par des cellules moins différenciées qui pourraient proliférer sans contrôle et former une tumeur ", explique Michel Pucéat. " Nous espérons commencer les premiers essais d'ici deux ans chez des patients ayant eu un infarctus du myocarde de longue date et n'étant pas candidats à une transplantation cardiaque. L'essai pourrait être étendu à d'autres pathologies cardiaques ".
     Les promesses des cellules souches ne s'arrêtent pas là : elles pourraient venir au secours de l'infertilité. En effet, des spermatozoïdes ont récemment été produits à partir de cellules souches embryonnaires humaines. Une première réalisée par l'équipe du britannique Karim Nayernia de l'université de Newcastle. "Cette découverte permettra de mieux comprendre les causes de l'infertilité masculine en élucidant les mécanismes de différenciation des gamètes, et elle pourra peut-être un jour, être utilisée comme traitement contre celle-ci", s'enthousiasme Samir Hamamah, directeur d'une équipe Inserm, à Montpellier.
     Ces spermatozoïdes ont été obtenus à partir de cellules ES porteuses des chromosomes X et Y. Une savante manipulation a permis aux cellules souches dotées de 2 lots de chromosomes de n'en avoir plus qu'un, comme tout spermatozoïde qui se respecte.
     Certains spermatozoïdes avaient un flagelle et pouvaient se mouvoir. Toutefois, " pour être sûr que ce soit de réels spermatozoïdes, il faudrait vérifier leur capacité à féconder un ovule " note Samir Hamamah. C'est ce qu'avait fait trois ans plus tôt la même équipe pour des spermatozoïdes de souris produits in vitro à partir de cellules ES : ce sperme avait donné naissance à des souriceaux.
* Regenerative medicine: An eye to treating blindness (ADIT):
Elena Ezhkova1 & Elaine Fuchs (1)


Work on stem cells is one of the hottest research areas in biology. But are such studies of any therapeutic value? Fortunately, yes, as is evident from successes in treating blindness.

    Few people today dispute the enormous potential of stem cells for regenerative medicine. But, despite ever-increasing reports on the Internet of stem cells being used to treat various disorders — from Alzheimer's disease to spinal-cord injuries to severe heart conditions — proven stem-cell therapies remain few and far between.
1. Elena Ezhkova and Elaine Fuchs are at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Rockefeller University, New York, New York 10065, USA.
* Retina Transplants from Stem Cells (ADIT,
Human embryonic stem cells can be coaxed into three-dimensional structures of retinal cell

By Courtney Humphries
Thursday, June 03, 2010

     Scientists have created a three-dimensional, retina-like structure out of human embryonic stem cells that they hope could someday serve as a retinal transplant for people with macular degeneration and other diseases of the retina. Their method, published recently in Journal of Neuroscience Methods, offers a potential new source of cells for retinal transplants.
     Hans Keirstead, lead author of the paper and a stem cell biologist at University of California, Irvine, says that the method is designed to provide an alternative to human fetal tissue transplants, which have been conducted on a small group of patients and have resulted in improved vision. Fetal cells are difficult to obtain and raise ethical issues. "We really wanted to build upon that technique by creating a renewable source of tissue," he says.
     In this study, the researchers first created two types of cells from the human embryonic stem cells: early-stage retinal cells, and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells, which provide nourishment to the cells responsible for vision in the retina. The researchers then grew these two types of cells together in a chamber designed to expose them to a gradient of concentrations of solutes and growth-promoting chemicals. The cells could form three-dimensional structures, a feat rarely achieved with stem cells.
          Keirstead believes that the study points to two important strategies for creating retinal transplants: growing early retinal cells along with RPE cells, and bathing the cells in a gradually changing solution that encourages the development of three-dimensional layers of cells. His team found that this approach generated early-stage retinal cells that were on the path of differentiating into all of the various cell types in the retina.
     Keirstead believes that a retinal transplant will work best when made of cells that have not fully developed. "The three-dimensional layer is purposefully young," he says. Previous studies have found that younger cells are more likely to integrate with existing tissue after transplantation, rather than die.

     Robert Lanza, chief scientific officer at Advanced Cell Technologies, who was not involved in the study, says that his team discovered several years ago that, when turning human embryonic stem cells into RPE cells, other stem cells would spontaneously form layers, including patches of photoreceptors. "This paper shows that you can take advantage of this natural process, and for the first time use tissue engineering techniques to generate three-dimensional retina-like structures," he says.
     But Lanza is skeptical about the clinical usefulness of such structures. "You can't just transplant a retina and restore sight," he says, because it requires making a series of complex connections with the brain. Although he says there could prove to be some advantage to using three constructs of cells, "for the moment, replacing individual cell types might be the best approach for helping patients suffering from eye disease."
     Scientists have been working on several approaches to retinal transplants. One approach, led by Advanced Cell Technologies, is to turn human embryonic stem cells into RPE cells and transplant them into the retina. The therapy would work best in the early stages of degeneration to halt further progress, rather than to restore vision that is already lost. Another approach is to transplant stem cells that are in the early stages of becoming light-sensitive photoreceptors, which has demonstrated efficacy in mice.
     Yet another strategy is to use young tissue instead of individual cells. Fetal tissue transplants have shown some success in animals as well as a small group of humans. A study published in 2008 found that seven out of 10 patients who received the transplants had improved vision. However, there has been debate about whether these transplants actually integrate into the existing tissue. Keirstead has conducted a series of studies in animals that he says demonstrates that transplanted tissue is functioning in the eye. If so, the strategy could be useful for later-stage degeneration, when the existing retina has lost much of its function.
     For Keirstead's team, the next step is to show that tissue derived from stem cells can function properly. His lab is currently transplanting the tissue into rats to determine whether the transplants can survive and incorporate into the eye, and whether they improve the animals' vision.
Related Articles
* New Drugs for Macular Degeneration
     Genome-wide association studies have generated new insight into the devastating eye disease.
* Molecular Sunglasses for Macular Degeneration
     Dampening a light-sensing reaction in the eye might slow a common cause of blindness.
* Implantable Telescope for the Eye
     A new device may help restore sight for people with severe macular degeneration.
* Synthetic eye prosthesis (ADIT,
19 May 2010 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
     For many patients who become blind after an accident or illness, a corneal transplantation could restore the ability to see. Each year, 40,000 people in Europe – in Germany, about 7,000 – await the opportunity to be able to see again, thanks to cornea donors. But donor corneas are not common. Dr. Joachim Storsberg of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP in Potsdam-Golm developed material and production process for a corneal prosthesis made of plastic. These can help patients who are unable to tolerate donor corneas due to the special circumstances of their disease, or whose donor corneas were likewise destroyed. In recognition of this accomplishment, Dr. Storsberg is being awarded the 2010 Joseph von Fraunhofer Prize.
     The miniscale artificial cornea has to meet almost contradictory specifications: On the one hand, the material should grow firmly together with the cells of the surrounding tissue; on the other hand, no cells should settle in the optical region of the artificial cornea - i.e., the middle - since this would again severely impair the ability to see. And: The outer side of the implant must be able to moisten with tear fluids, otherwise the implant will cloud up on the anterior side. This would consequently require the patient to get a new prosthesis after a relatively brief period of time. And: The outer side of the implant must be able to moisten with tear fluid, so that the eyelid can slide across it without friction. Dr. Storsberg found the solution with a hydrophobic polymer material. This material has been in use for a long time in ophthalmology, such as for intraocular lenses. In order for it to satisfy the various characteristics required, complex development steps were necessary. The material was thoroughly modified on a polymer-chemical basis, and subsequently re-tested for public approval.
     In order to achieve the desired characteristics, the edge of the implant was first coated with various, special polymers. Then, a special protein was added that contains the specific sequence of a growth factor. The surrounding natural cells detect this growth factor, are stimulated to propagate and populate the surface of the corneal margin. Thus, the cells of the surrounding tissue grow with the implant, and the artificial cornea attains stability. The eye prosthesis evolved jointly with physicians and manufacturers in the EU project, „Artificial Cornea." The interdisciplinary research team needed three years to develop the artificial cornea. In a first step, they sent the chemical-biomimetic coated implant to Dr. Karin Kobuch of the Poliklinik für Augenheilkunde at the Regensburg University Medical Center and to the medical center at the Technical University of Munich, on the right banks of the Isar river. The physician examined the artificial corneas in dissected pigs eyes and specialized cell cultures. Eventually, the team under Dr. Gernot Duncker and Dr. Saadettin Sel of the University Center for Ophthalmology in Halle (Saale) tested the more complex models in rabbits. There, the design was further refined: the optics were made smaller, and the implant haptic enlarged in order to maintain a more stable construction. Miro GmbH manufactured the implant, robin GmbH handled the distribution and sales and supported the specially adapted implantation centers in Europe. By 2009, a prosthesis was already successfully in use; further implantations are anticipated during the first six months of 2010.
* Training Computers to Combat Blindness (ADIT):
Web-connected cameras may help doctors detect a common eye disease.
By Arlene Weintraub
Friday, May 14, 2010

     Of all the complications of diabetes, few are as devastating as diabetic retinopathy, a progressive eye disease that causes blurred vision and in some patients, blindness. By the time most patients recognize something's wrong, it's often too late for them to be treated effectively. As a result, diabetes is the leading cause of vision loss among adults over 20. More than 12,000 new cases of blindness each year are caused by diabetic retinopathy, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Eye sight: White dots a patient's retina (top) are early signs of disease. In the image below these spots are identified automatically.
Credit: Ken Tobin

     An ophthalmologist and a scientist from the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratories in Tennessee believe they can help doctors detect diabetic retinopathy long before the disease wreaks havoc on their patients' vision. Their startup company, Automated Medical Diagnostics (AMDx), has developed software that can detect the early signs of diabetic retinopathy by comparing digital photos of a patient's retina to images that represent various stages of diabetic eye disease. AMDx's founders believe their technology will enable all health workers--even those who are not trained in eye care--to take retinal scans of any patient, zap them over the Internet to AMDx's servers, and get a diagnosis back before the patient leaves the office. "We're trying to show we can be as accurate as a trained ophthalmologist," says Ken Tobin, AMDx co-founder and division director of measurement science and systems engineering at Oak Ridge.
     AMDx's technology was inspired by a system that Oak Ridge scientists originally developed to help semiconductor manufacturers analyze defects in computer chips. Their software essentially teaches computers a technique called "content-based image retrieval." The system can take a single image of a chip and then sort through giant databases of other images to find similar visual patterns--a process that some chipmakers now use to spot problems and improve manufacturing methods.
     In 2005, Tobin met Edward Chaum, an ophthalmologist and professor at the University of Tennessee's Hamilton Eye Institute in Memphis. "Less than half of diabetics are screened in any given year for retinopathy, despite the fact that they are told they need regular eye exams," Chaum says. Many patients don't have health insurance, he says, or they just don't want the hassle of traveling to see yet another specialist. But Chaum and Tobin realized that if primary care doctors could do basic eye screenings on diabetic patients, they might catch many more cases of retinopathy than are being detected today.
     The retina is particularly well suited to content-based image retrieval, Tobin says. Unlike other types of medical images, such as brain scans and mammograms--which are highly variable and require multiple images to create a three-dimensional effect--the retina is virtually two-dimensional and similar from one photo to another. (...)

(...) That makes it easier for the technology to detect lesions, leaky blood vessels, swelling, and other abnormalities on the retina that can be early signs of disease. Chaum and Tobin spent five years developing algorithms that can extract information from retinal images and screen it against a database of more than 20,000 photos. AMDx doesn't produce diagnoses but rather alerts doctors to patients who need to be referred to specialists for more in-depth testing, diagnoses and treatments.
     AMDx is currently testing its system in a handful of clinics in Mississippi and Tennessee. Training doctors is easy, Chaum says, because the cameras have features like auto-focus, and they don't require that the patients' eyes be dilated. The photos are sent over the Internet to AMDx's servers and automatically compared to images in its database. Chaum then checks each result manually--a process that takes about 90 seconds per case, he says.
     AMDx's goal is to ultimately turn over the entire job to its computers, but for now it must rely on Chaum's review. That's because some insurers--most notably Medicare and Medicaid--will only reimburse physicians for eye screenings after an ophthalmologist examines the results. Chaum and Tobin are collecting data, with the goal of proving to both regulators and insurers that their computers are as effective as Chaum at detecting disease. "The computers can handle thousands of reports a day. The bottleneck is me signing off on them," Chaum admits.
     Efforts to remotely diagnose eye diseases have been tried on a limited basis by the Veterans Administration hospitals and other institutions. Some ophthalmologists believe that if the idea catches on, they'll be able to treat many more cases of diabetic retinopathy than they can today. "If you can teach a clinician to recognize changes in the eye, you can teach a computer to do it," says Barrett Katz, an ophthalmologist and professor at Montefiore Medical Center and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, NY. "It doesn't take an ophthalmologist to gather these images--if anyone could do it, that would be a major step forward."
     Tobin and Chaum are on the hunt for venture capital to fund AMDx's expansion. They hope the current focus on health reform will give them a boost, because the ongoing debate is drawing attention to the need for improving the efficiency of the health care system. "It's not that we can't treat diabetic retinopathy, Chaum says. It's that we're inefficient in how we screen for it."

Related Articles
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     Dampening a light-sensing reaction in the eye might slow a common cause of blindness.
» A Stem-Cell Therapy for Blindness:
     Advanced Cell Technology will seek approval for human trials of its treatment for vision loss.
» Eye Implants to Fight Progressive Blindness:
     A novel medical device could treat eye diseases like age-related macular degeneration.
* Computer technique could help partially-sighted "see" better (ADIT):
17 May 2010 Durham University

     Thousands of people who are partially-sighted following stroke or brain injury could gain greater independence from a simple, cheap and accessible training course which could eventually be delivered from their mobile phones or hand-held games consoles, according to a new study.
     The new research has found that a computer-based technique developed and assessed by Durham University improved partially-sighted people's ability to "see" better. It may eventually improve and broaden the portfolio of rehabilitation techniques for partially-sighted patients.
     The study, published in the academic journal Brain, tested the technique on patients who suffer from a condition affecting their sight called hemianopia. 
     Hemianopia affects over 4,000 people in the UK each year. Sufferers lose half of their visual field due to stroke or other brain injury. They are heavily dependent on others as they struggle with balance, walking, finding things around the house, and they are not normally able to drive. 
     The research was funded by the Medical Research Council, Economic and Social Research Council, and supported by the charity Action for Blind People.
The study, which tested patients' visual ability before and after the training, found that patients became faster and more accurate at detecting objects, such as coloured dots or numbers, on a computer screen. 
     The researchers believe the test helped patients to compensate for their lost vision by exploring their ‘blind field' more, which is the part of the visual field affected by the brain damage. Further research is needed to pinpoint exactly why the technique helps patients to "see" better but the scientists believe it is likely due to improved attention, concentration and awareness of their visual problems.
     The study findings offer hope that people who receive regular training like this could live more independently in their day-to-day lives because their visual ability would be improved.
      Lead researcher, Dr Alison Lane, from Durham University's Psychology Department, said: "This research shows us that basic training works in getting people to use their "poor" visual side better
     "Although we are not yet sure why this happens, we think it might be because training increases their attention, concentration and awareness of their "blind" field
     "We think attention is key in improving people's abilities to use their limited vision."
     She added: "This simple technique is a very viable rehabilitation option and in future could be easily accessible at low cost to everyone who needs it."
Currently, there is no widely available treatment for people who experience visual loss following brain damage because of the lack of scientific evidence that existing therapies are effective, according to the study authors.
     The Durham study compared two types of rehabilitation techniques – one focused on exploration and the other on attention.  Neither training option is currently available on the NHS although alternative training programmes can be bought privately.
     The research, which tested 46 patients, found that the basic attention training without the need for patients to move their eyes extensively was for the most part as effective at rehabilitation as the more specialised exploration technique.

     The scientists say patients may even be able to see similar improvements in their vision by playing mainstream computer games, particularly those whereby you need to scan virtual environments with your eyes.
     Professor David Mendelow, a neurosurgeon at Newcastle General Hospital and professor of neurosurgery at Newcastle University, said: "Hemianopia is often not recognised and is probably much more common than realised. Patients and their families find it very difficult to understand this problem of "half blindness".
     "At Newcastle General, we have trained our occupational therapists to recognise this visual problem and we can now identify patients with hemianopia at an early stage.
     "The Neurosciences Unit at Durham University, where we refer patients on to, is to be congratulated on demonstrating how successful this kind of visual retraining can be."

CASE STUDY – Nichola Burlison from Low Willington, County Durham*
     Nichola Burlison, who is married with two young children, has hemianopia. Nichola, who is 31 years old, suffered severe brain damage after a car accident eight years ago. 
     She spent six months in hospital and had to re-learn all basic skills such as walking, talking, dressing and eating.  After contact with Action for Blind People, Nichola took part in Durham's research.
     She said: "The training has made a big difference to me.  Although I still struggle with basic things like crossing the road, reading, cooking, I feel so much more confident.  I am more comfortable with reading and I don't miss words at the start of sentences anymore.  I also move my eyes around, both to the left and right, because I am more aware that I can do that.
     "I was really surprised that I could do more than I thought after the training.  It gave me a big boost and I would love for other people in my position to become aware of this as it may help them too.
     "I wish I had time to keep on doing the training more often but it is tricky with two little ones in the house.  If the software was available on a games console or something like that, it would be a huge benefit to me because I could spend a quick five minutes here and there on my way to work or on my lunch break."

* Please note that we are not able to give any further biographical details due to the nature of the case study's employment.

    * Hemianopia is a type of homonymous visual field defect, which means people lose vision on the same side in both eyes.
    * The translation for hemianopia is "half blindness".
    * Hemianopia is caused by injury to the brain itself such as from stroke or trauma.  It can also be as a result of certain surgical procedures, or a tumour in the visual processing part of the brain.
    * There are 4,271 cases of hemianopia diagnosed annually in the UK, and 230 cases a year in the North East.
Full bibliographic information
    * Visual exploration training is no better than attention training for treating hemianopia, Lane et al, published by Oxford Journals in Brain, April 2010.

* Le concours Lépine prime le "Top-braille":
Photo: Le "Top-braille" (
     Le "Top-braille", un appareil de poche permettant la lecture instantanée en braille ou en vocal de n'importe quel texte imprimé en sept langues différentes, a remporté à l'unanimité le Concours Lépine 2010, accueillie chaque année par la Foire de Paris.

     A partir de tout document écrit, un livre, une revue ou une notice de médicaments, le boîtier à lecture optique retranscrit un texte en braille pour les aveugles et mal voyants, grâce à des picots qui surgissent au fur et à mesure de la lecture. Il est également doté d'une fonction audio pour transformer le texte en son.
     "Nous allons pouvoir dire aux aveugles et mal voyants qu'ils ont un produit qui peut leur simplifier la vie", a déclaré le lauréat, ancien professeur de mathématique et ingénieur de formation, qui espère voir le prix de vente (1.680 €) de son invention baisser considérablement pour le rendre accessible au plus grand nombre. "Nous n'avons vendu que 150 appareils (via sa société Vision SAS), c'est très peu au regard des 100.000 mal voyants et aux 250.000 très mal voyants en France", a-t-il encore souligné.
Autre invention primée: le Top-reader
     "Je pensais à cet appareil depuis de nombreuses années parce que ma soeur malvoyante n'avait de cesse de demander l'utilité d'apprendre le braille alors que très peu de documents sont écrits en braille", a raconté Raoul Parienti, peu avant la remise des prix.
     Ce sont dix années de recherche et développement et 1,5 million € qui ont été investis dans ce projet. L'appareil lit actuellement des textes en sept langues: français, anglais, espagnol, italien, allemand, portugais et néerlandais, car le premier donateur est hollandais. Mais son concepteur aimerait bien le décliner dans toutes les langues, pourquoi pas en hiéroglyphes ou en chinois.
     Outre le premier prix, Raoul Parienti, qui a déposé par le passé plus de 100 brevets d'innovation, a remporté le troisième prix pour son "Top-reader", le pendant du "Top-braille", un appareil permettant cette fois la lecture de tout texte photographié et numérisé.
     Plus de 500 inventions ont été présentées lors de cette 109e édition du célèbre concours qui a vu naître le stylo à bille, le fer à repasser à vapeur, le four électrique ou encore le coeur artificiel.
* Can Stem Cells (cellules souches) Restore Vision in Retinal Degeneration? (ADIT, en anglais):
Une vidéo en anglais (américain):
Henry Klassen, Ph.D.--February 3, 2010
From Distinctive Voices@The Beckman Center: Insights on Science, Technology, and Medicine; a program of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine, is supported by The Arnold and Mabel Beckman Fund of the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering.

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